Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Spirit Stop #1

Is it me or are the h'ween stores opening later this year? And is this a Great Depression 2.0 thing?

Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining: The only thing worse than starting the h'ween season too late is too early. Because if I'm seeing too many skulls and cobwebs in August, they tend to lose their novelty by Oct. Just saying.

Which is why it was to my delight that I *just* found my first Spirit store in downtown SF. Much like Target, they were still kind of setting up, with half open cartons of death babies and ho' costumes.

The displays were still a wip but I think they're going to be good, or at least R-rated.

See? I wasn't kidding about those death babies. This has got to be a traumatizing experience for any under 10, but then who am I kidding? There are no kids in San Francisco.

It's hard to make out in this somehow appropriately janky-grainy photo, but yes it appears that they are in some kind of giant crib for devil tots. The fact that they seem to be merely tossed in haphazardly only enhances the effect. Because Evil knows no organization.

The best thing I saw and may yet wind up in my own home was this:

Awesome, right? If I had a few 6-year-old boys at home, it would've been a done deal, but since I do not, it will take some thought.

I've just never been a big cobweb person because it seemed like they require some labor and a lot of luck to get them to look just right. (I think we all have seen those neighbors that give it a half-assed go and it looks like it.) But now that the ease-of-use folks have taken up the torch, er, gun I might have a fighting chance.

I love reconnaissance trips like this but I think this may be my last one before the old itchy trigger finger (the one that enters my debit pin) takes over.

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